Business Process Outsourcing Call center
Outsourcing Service – Staff :
Administrative, accounting and/or development engineering :
Advancia Téléservices’ outsourcing service agents, call center in Tunisia, adapt to your company’s processes. Specialists in administrative chain management, development and accounting are made available to you according to the outsourcing strategy deployed.
Business Process Outsourcing
Discount coupon entry outsourcing service:
Do you need to digitise your discount coupons? We can take care of entering them. The aim is to enable you to focus on activities with high added value for your company.
BPO Tunisia solutions for entering membership and/or subscription contracts:
Our BPO Tunisia solutions also include the entry of membership and/or subscription contracts in accordance with current standards, in order to optimise your information and document processes.
Outsourcing service for entering subscription files:
Our call center, expert in tailor-made outsourcing in Tunisia, also offers services for inputting underwriting files. Rigour and methodology are the key words that guide us in this mission.
Payment entry outsourcing service:
Advancia Téléservice also has the technical skills and technological resources required to enter payments. We put pragmatic quality processes to work for you.
Outsourcing of customer/supplier order entry:
For successful outsourcing, the Advancia Téléservices team is a trusted partner in customer order entry. Our agents work rigorously and efficiently to ensure this mission.
Completeness and compliance of outsourced customer files:
As a leader in call center, we offer services to complete and ensure compliance of customer files in accordance with the requirements of standards and your internal regulations.
Email management and processing:
Our expertise in Business Process Outsourcing enables our call center outsourcing service to develop a relevant strategy for all your email management and processing operations.
Management of an administrative chain :
Sending/receiving invoices, inputting/downloading data onto customers’ information systems:
Advancia can help you manage your administrative chain on a daily basis. A dedicated team handles the entire process as it would be organised within your company.
Management of a commercial process:
From call to contract signature to payment:
Our team’s expertise is our main asset. It enables us to offer sales process management services structured around tried-and-tested tools, techniques and methodologies, from the call to closing and payment.
Sourcing human resources.
Our call center is also the benchmark for human resources sourcing in Tunisia. Our agents have mastered every stage of the talent sourcing process to find you the precise profile that’s right for you.